Java enterprise performance

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About this eBook

Performance is a topic of increasing importance for anyone who uses applications to support their business activities. Today performance engineers and architects as well as operations people have to ensure that complex application landscapes work seamlessly and problems are resolved fast and with minimal effort.

This book contains over 70 years of application performance knowledge. We, the authors have worked in this field building large scale applications and more recently application performance solutions. In addition we have developed numerous training courses, work closely with IT practitioners implementing application performance monitoring (APM) solutions and processes, and we are regular speakers at software conference on performance-related topics.

Our goal is to provide a reference book for people like us, who are passionate about application performance and work daily on improving it. We found that while there are a lot of books about performance, a definitive reference text for day-to-day performance management is not available. We want to provide exactly this reference, where you can lookup information and quickly find the answers to your problems.

Java enterprise performance is split into four sections so you can easily find the material you are looking for.

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Table of Contents

The authors

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